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Showing posts from August, 2019

Mystery Elements

Back when I was in Junior school (Elementary school for any Americans reading), I vividly remember having a morning assembly all about the Bermuda Triangle. I have no idea now why the head teacher dedicated a whole half hour on the subject. Why he projected his voice about the topic across the hall in the wee early hours (way too early for us to process anything) is beyond me. Whether it was towards a special class project or to just bore everyone I don't know. However, unlike my friends and most of the year group around me, a spark of interest into this enigma, off the west Atlantic Ocean, captivated and fascinated me right to the core.  It would take many years later for me to work out (ironically) what this thing I was so struck and influenced by growing up as a kid was. Mysteries. Perhaps the aim of the assembly was simply to inspire young minds. Yet, that one assembly irreversibly helped channel my interests into unsolv...