early character concept designs I've been working on. This is the first stage of the character design process for the project. Here I've thrown down drafts for shape, form and unique characteristics of three of the six crew members of the F/V Scully.
Jason Bartlett ©
This first set of concepts are of the Captain (Left), First Mate (Middle) and Greenhorn (Right). Each member of the crew will have a backstory, of which I hope to capture in their appearances. I've tried to make key features of their character distinguishable and easy to read, yet not overly stereotypical; such as the captain's beard and belly! I aim to tie their backstories into the core gameplay; as with any mystery, you have to uncover information to seek the truth.
Jason Bartlett ©
Above is the captain of the Scully. As the visual development of these characters is in its early phase, I have yet to work out all the details and personality traits you'd see on a hardcore D&D character sheet!
Jason Bartlett ©
Here we have the first mate of the Scully. The first mate is someone who is usually in charge of the deck crew and is second in command to the captain. I decided that the setting for the game will be sometime around the heyday of crab fishing in Alaska. In the 1970's or 1980's. This was a period of over-fishing and HUGE profit in the industry due to a flourishing rise in king crab population.
Jason Bartlett ©
This is the main protagonist of the project. A greenhorn. Whom the player would play as in first-person. The term greenhorn is someone who is inexperienced on the job or at an activity and is a rookie. A novice.
I enjoyed playing around with the 70's/80's designs and looking at fashion in America...when baggy clothing and fifty shades of brown was in.
I enjoyed creating this character sheet, the likes of which I haven't made since University, and was a fun break from hard surface modelling. I look forward to working on the next three character designs (I chose a crew of six as this is the average for a crab fishing vessel) and working with line art more loosely.
Thanks for reading :)
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