S ince leaving University, I've truly learnt how optimising and refining the geometry of my models is a key part of the production process in Maya. Figuring out what surface components are necessary and removing unnecessary ones can make a huge difference on performance in a video game. Even more so, the more assets there are, such as in triple A games. This model of a coiling block I created, is a great example of this. In the second and third screenshots, I have enabled wireframe on shaded mode to show the tidied vertices, edges and faces. While this is a fairly detailed model, I have still applied the best practices of cleaning up any unessential elements . After enough repetition and iteration, optimising geometry becomes second nature. Jason Bartlett © Above is the complete coiling block in Maya. This piece of equipment is powered by hydraulics and helps raise heavy pots out of the water by coiling line along a spinning sp...
A survival mystery set on-board a fishing vessel during the 1977 Alaskan Bering Sea Storm.