nderneath are a few screenshots in Maya of the next significant asset I created for onboard the F/V Scully, a sorting table.
A sorting table is quite self-explanatory but is where the catch from a crab pot is sorted by the crew to check the crabs are the right size and not under the legal limit to be caught. Any that are too small or the wrong species, are thrown back to sea.
This model was a fairly quick build. The part that took slightly longer was the bolt latches (highlighted in the second image) for the gate. I had to keep the geometry for the saddle, latch and bolt as low poly as possible. To achieve this, I tried working backwards by adding in all the parts and edge loops first, and then stripped the components back to be as low poly as possible with only the necessary features.
In the last screenshot, I've included a little bonus model, a tote tub. This is used for moving lots of crabs (once sorted from the table), either to a holding tank, or back overboard.
Jason Bartlett © |
Jason Bartlett © |
Am very excited to show you my next technical model I'm creating in the following post!
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